1. Why choose NTRUST?

Established in 2003, NTRUST have successfully helped thousands of locals and foreigners in Singapore attain their Australian Permanent Residency (PR). With our vast experience and very high success rate, your visa application will be in good hands. Watch what our clients say about us by watching our video testimonial or reads our reviews.

2. Are the migration agents of NTRUST registered?

All our agents are registered under the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) of Australia. Their details are posted on our homepage. NTRUST reviews the work of its agents to ensure they are the best in the industry and strictly follow the Code of Conduct for your protection.

3. Can NTRUST get me a job in Australia?

NTRUST is not specifically a job placement agency but our services have enabled our ex-clients secure full-time employment in Australia.

4. I am not in Singapore. Can NTRUST still help me with my visa application?

NTRUST is not specifically a job placement agency but our services have enabled our ex-clients secure full-time employment in Australia.

5. For the IELTS, should I take the General or Academic Module?

Unless you were a native English Speaker, the Department of Home Affairs’ requirements applicable to the primary applicant will be the General Training Module. However, and depending on the requirements of your visa or assessment authority for skills, you may be required to produce specific scores for specific nominated occupations. There are dozens of authorities whose requirements may frequently change. Therefore, there is no hard or fast rule when it comes to taking the IELTS. Instead, professionally determining the applicant eligibility will avoid undertaking a more difficult module (Academic) or having to retake the IELTS at an easier module (General Training). Contacting NTRUST first for a professional consultation schedule may save you hundreds of dollars of IELTS test fees.

6. What is a permanent visa?

It is the right and privilege for you (and your family) to live and work in Australia without restriction. It has the same rights and entitlements of an Australian citizen, except that a PR cannot vote and hold a position in the government and military. After 4 years, you can then apply for citizenship, entitling you to an Australian passport.

7. What are the requirements and procedures in applying for Australian permanent visa?

Please refer to our How to Apply page for requirements and procedures.

8. How would I know if I am qualified to migrate to Australia?

Our consultants will carefully assess your eligibility to migrate before we accept your application. We only accept applications after they have passed our assessment. To check your eligibility to migrate, please complete our Free Online Assessment.

9. How much is your agency fee?

Professional fees will vary depending on which visa type you apply for, and may also vary depending on the complexity of your casework. During your initial consultation with us, our consultant will provide a complete costing of the professional and third-party fees.

10. How long would it take to get the visa?

In most cases, the process may take 4-12 months for visas applied under the Skilled Migration program. The waiting period mainly depends on the type of visa class you are applying under.

11. Is it possible to find a job in Australia before migrating?

Yes but is extremely difficult without securing the correct visa.

12. Why do Australian immigration policies change often?

The immigration policies are frequently reviewed and changes are made at any time based on the needs of the Australian economy and employment status.

13. Another migration agent has assessed me as being eligible. Can he/she guarantee me with success?

No. As advised by the Australian government, in Australia, no one can guarantee you a visa, influence the outcome or jump the queue. Although you might have been assessed as being eligible, you are not guaranteed of any success yet. A migration agent’s job is to maximize your chances of getting your visa approved.

14. Do all documents need to be certified?

Most materials have to be certified or authorised as a true copy by a person whom a Statutory Declaration may be made. For your convenience, NTRUST will usually arrange for your documents to be certified in your behalf.

15. Do you have people who are familiar with regulations applied specifically to China and can deal with documents in Chinese?

Yes, our migration agents have successfully assisted many Chinese nationals in their visa applications.

16. Can I visit Australia before lodging a migration application?

Yes. In fact, we would recommend that it is always wise to visit the place before making it your home!

17. Am I required to travel to Australia upon approval of my visa?

In some conditions, you must travel to Australia before the expiry of the initial entry date in order to activate the visa to its full term.

18. Will I lose my current passport if I migrate?

No, not necessarily. Firstly, you will enter Australia as a permanent resident which does not affect your current citizenship state. After 4 years, you can apply for Australian citizenship (but this is not obligatory). The government of Australia allows dual-nationality, so you could retain your current passport and obtain an Australian passport as well. However, you must check that your own country of citizenship allows dual-nationality, as this right must be reciprocal. If not, you will need to surrender your other passport in order to become an Australian citizen.

19. Can I still renew my permanent visa even if I did not fulfil the residential requirements of 2 years?

Yes, but it might be legislatively challenging. At NTRUST, we have represented and helped many clients successfully renew their PR status. To learn more, visit our PR Renewal page.

20. What sets us apart from other migration agency?

First, NTRUST doesn’t have competitors specialising only in Australia Migration, second, we are the best in Singapore, because thirdly, our staff is the best of the best.