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Migrants applying for Australian Permanent Residential Visas are required to undergo medical assessment. Failure to meet the health criteria will most certainly result in a visa refusal.

Unlike a tourist or social visit visa, many permanent, provisional and temporary visa applicants, such as those applying to emigrate, study, work, do business, join family or loved ones who will have to undergo a full body medical examination, including a chest x-ray, blood and urine test.

The question is therefore, why should authorities be so concerned about the health of those coming to live in Australia? The answer really is twofold, firstly to protect the entire Australian community from communicable diseases and secondly to safeguard the nationwide health subsidy program Medicare.

The following are some relatively prevalent conditions and diseases or that are considered threats to the public interest of Australian:


Tuberculosis has to be one of the most contagious and serious diseases for Australians since there is no mandatory immunisation program put in place. Since just about anyone can catch this airborne disease just by being in the same room as a TB carrier, the health authorities in Australia government has to robustly ensure mandatory screening for applicants. All applicants and children over 11 years old are also required to undergo TB screening prior to having their visas approved. Since x-rays may harm an unborn child, expectant mothers will have to undertake this risk or have their applications delayed.


HIV test is also included in the health criteria when applying for permanent residency visa. Though it is not considered a big threat to public health as tuberculosis, all HIV positive applicants will be considered posing a significant cost to Australian community’s health care and community services. All migrants over 15 years of age are required to pass the HIV test. Immigration may also require applicants under the age 15 to undergo testing if the child’s parents are HIV positive or if the child is for adoption. It is advisable to seek advice from your trusted Australian migration agent, with whom you can disclose your HIV status prior to your migration application.


Unlike Tuberculosis and HIV, the risk of hepatitis transmission from the migrants is not considered high. However, screening for Hepatitis B and C is still needed if the migrant is pregnant or they are intending to work as one of the medical practitioners in Australia. Hepatitis will not automatically result in visa refusal, as the case will widely depend on the severity of the applicants’ condition.


Polio has known to be very infectious, targeting the nervous system of a person. Despite having a very high vaccination coverage in the entire country, Australia immigration still implements strict screening for migrants, especially from countries identified as being high risk with polio, including Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan and Somalia. Migrants need to present polio vaccination certificate if applying for a permanent residency visa.

Ebola Virus

Since the outbreak of Ebola Virus, Australia has strengthen its screening for migrants, especially to those from countries listed as Ebola-affected. This is to strongly protect Australian community from any associated health risk such as Ebola virus.

It is important to know that you are healthy enough and free from any serious disease if you really want to obtain Australian PR visa. Seek consultation from any Australian migration agency in Singapore and anywhere else if you have any issue concerning your health.