migrating to Australia
The 2018-19 fiscal year has yet to begin, but certainly, a number of changes on the Australia Visa Application process will be implemented.

Sure, Australia has been continuously welcoming hundreds and thousands of immigrants from all over the world. However, with the objective to protect Australian citizens’ employment opportunities, revisions with the Immigration programme including cuts and additions with the occupational ceilings, modification of eligibility requirements, and periodic reviews of the regulations are being set by the government. With that being said, migrating to Australia is getting tougher each year for many interested applicants.

What to expect?

Truth be told, there’s no perfect time than 5-10 years ago to lodge your Australia PR Application. The current fiscal year (2017-18) has been very tough for all applicants. There were 200 occupations removed from the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and some occupational ceilings have been lowered. The process is extremely dynamic. You might have thought that you are eligible today, but might not be after the start of the new financial year. On the coming 1st July 2018, it would be interesting to see which occupations will continue to be included in the list, but it would be daunting to know also if you’re application will be compromised for not taking immediate actions. We, at NTRUST, always advise applicants to seize the opportunity while it is still available. Reality is, we will never know what could be the new rules and regulations to be implemented in the future, but we can definitely assist you in the best of our abilities to advocate your application.

What Not to Do?

While it is generally okay to seek advice from your friends and colleagues who have obtained their Australia PR visa, you have to bear in mind also that no two cases are the same. Their application may be smooth and successful, but their eligibility criteria may not be applicable for you, putting into consideration the very dynamic immigration rules and regulations. Apart from that, you have to make sure that you have the enough verifiable supporting documents to support your application. Failure to do so may result in negative assessment and may prejudice your future application.

Since 2003, NTRUST has been very dedicated to assisting families to migrate to Australia from Singapore and all applicants all over the world. As we are being regulated with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are restricted to being truthful on all our advice, be it your eligible or not. With the mission of helping families fulfil their dream life in Australia, NTRUST will represent your case from assessing your eligibility criteria to the day we received your approved Australia PR visa. Book a professional consultation with us by calling 6299 0245.