Australia Migration - Permanent Resident Application
Honestly speaking, and in the basis that NTRUST has been in the industry for 15 years now, the best time to apply for an Australia Permanent Residency (PR) visa was way back years ago, when the regulations and policies are not as tough as they are today.

With the recent immigration updates implemented, once again, many interested migrants have been affected, especially those occupations that were removed from the occupation lists; not to mention that the government has now been considering to cut Australia’s migration intakes.

Strike the Iron While it’s Hot

Migrating to Australia involves many risks. Changes are inevitable, thus, making the Australia immigration regulations very dynamic. Occupations that are on the lists now might not be there for the following weeks or months to come. The fact that Australia has been reforming its migration policy over the years, it is expected that application will be tougher that higher standards will be set to control migrant intakes and to strengthen citizen-labour protection.

Reality is if you want to embark on the immigration application, it is better to embark on it before quotas are again reduced and before your occupation might be removed from the list.

Importance of Immigration Agents’ Expertise

Looking back on the past 15 years, we have successfully assisted thousands of families to obtain their Australian PR against the ever-changing immigration policies and regulations. There has not been a single application to the Australian authorities which doesn’t involve one of our migration agents, which gives our clientele an assurance that applications are handled and represented well. Moreover, our migration agents are monitored and regulated by the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), making them fully aware of the current immigration rules and regulations.

We have been hearing the same reasons over and over again: a good education for the children and a brighter future for the entire family. The PR visa is valid for five years; you have the possibility to extend it to another five more years after meeting the requirement for the renewal. That’s an instant 10-year viable option for you to obtain the quality life you have been dreaming of for your family. Definitely, the best investment you can ever make.

Migrating to Australia is like investing for yourself, for your family’s future, and of course, your happiness. Don’t wait until your chances get slimmer. There’s certainly no better timing than now to embark on this. Call 6299 0245 to book a professional appointment with us.