INSIGHT: Life in Regional Australia

An old local living in the outback once told me that ‘’…money is only a part of life, you’ll live nicely with lots of money but here, life’s not that bad even if you have only a little… “he followed up quickly saying, “work too is only a part of life here…if you have to work, that’s part of life but if you don’t have to work, you’ll definitely have more life!”…Although he said these with a wink, I believe there is some truth.

If you’re living in Asia and contemplating moving to Australia, the ideal choice of location is typically Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane…Why? Many will say it’s because of increased work opportunities. However, as surely as there are more jobs in these big cities, you might want to consider, that along with more jobs comes more competition; and this not only for jobs but also schools, property, space and generally, the stress of living in a more crowded place.

Did you know that places such as Newcastle, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin, and Perth are now classified as regional areas for migration purposes?

When clients wanting immigration advice tell us they will only contemplate immigration if they can work in a similar capacity/big companies (unless there is a pending transfer from the present employer), our recommendation is to reconsider emigrating to Australia. You see, unlike other cultures, work is only a part of life Down Under.

Residents in Australia can appreciate that real life often exists AFTER work! What, …have you not considered there are different lifestyle choices, hobbies, kids, household chores, friends and family? So if you’re like many in Asia who put so much of your life and value into your work, what if you cannot find work or can only work in a different capacity or seniority? Won’t you find lifeless worthwhile then if you moved to Australia’s regions?

Having assisted thousands to move to Australia over the past 17 years, we have witnessed that happy, successful migrants are primarily motivated by a change of lifestyle. One where work-life balance is not ‘taboo’ and where work and school environments are less stressful. Where the pace of life slows, our clients have found more time for the things that really matter.

The debate about migrating to Australia’s regional areas is severely prejudice by negative generalisations. The most common misconception being that ‘there are no jobs in regional Australia’. Indeed, there may not be the head office of that bank or MNC offering you the position you’re used to, but surely there cannot be ZERO job openings?

In Australia, a job is a job. If you’re a migrant that needs money and work, be prepared to work anywhere and in any capacity. Most people work for a living and the concept of minimum wages (presently over $19/hr) is to safeguard the interest of everyone making a decent living. While earnings in some regional areas may be a bit lower than in the major cities, this is quickly offset by the lower cost of living, so in the end, you may enjoy a better lifestyle and still enjoy the same level of savings.

The move to Australia’s regions is one that comes with many benefits. From cheaper accommodation, less congested public facilities, good amenities, lower crime, less pollution, less crowds and stress everywhere in general.

Contrary to the notion of regional areas being isolated, even capital cities such as Darwin, Hobart, Adelaide, Canberra, and Perth are now regarded as being regional. Even living in smaller cities like Newcastle or in fact, living in a city like Mandurah, you would have been considered as living in a regional area and where you will still meet a well established and welcoming communities of migrants.

Regional Australia is great for bringing up kids. Public schools, secondary and primary, are generally smaller, well funded and don’t lack the facilities or curriculum enjoyed by schools in big cities.

Fears over unemployment and the lack of knowledge and information are factors that turn migrants away from regional Australia.

I encourage you to visit and see for yourself what life in Australia is really like and perhaps, then you may understand the opportunities regional Australia can provide — opportunities that would make a positive impact to your health, lifestyle and allow you and your family to truly embrace the migrant life Down Under.