Australia Immigration Is Tough, But Still Worth It

Truth be told, the best time to migrate to Australia was way back years ago, when the immigration policies was not as tough as it is today. Following the immigration changes implemented prior to the 2017-18 fiscal year on the 1st July 2017, many would-be migrants have been affected, especially those occupations that were removed from the occupation lists.
However, despite the changes, Australia’s permanent migration programme for the fiscal year 2017-18 will remain stable at a ceiling of 190,000 intakes. The government has decided not to cut the number of migrant intake for the coming fiscal year in spite of the abolition of the 457 visa and the removal of the 200 occupations from the list.
What you should do now?
Strike the iron while it is hot, as the saying goes. Migrating to Australia involves taking risks. Let’s face it — most of the successful people in the world didn’t start from where they are now, but instead, they are just really good at seizing great opportunities. NTRUST realized that the best opportunities are when you can truly help others solve problems, in our case, helping people fulfill their dream life in Australia.
Changes are inevitable with the Australian migration policies. Occupations that are still on the list now may not be there for the next couple of month or years. People who may be eligible tomorrow may not have the same eligibility for the following weeks. Reality is, life’s opportunities most of the time are disguised as issues that require hard work and perseverance — and that is why many people fail to recognize opportunities. People often miss an opportunity because they expect every chance to be served to them on a silver platter.
Importance of a Registered Migration Agent
They say nothing worth having comes easy. Immigration process is extremely tough and dynamic. With the assistance of a registered migration agent, you’ll be able to recognize every opportunity that you have with regards to your intention of migrating to Australia. These immigration professionals are highly qualified to give you proper advice and assistance tailored to your visa application casework. When seeking for assistance, make sure that you are only dealing with registered migration agencies as they are regulated and monitored by the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). Working with registered agencies gives you assurance that the people handling your application are fully aware of the current immigration laws and regulations, ensuring that your application will abide with the Department of Home Affairs standards.
As the most established registered Australia migration agency in Singapore, we have been continuously assisting thousands of families migrate to Australia. As being regulated by the MARA code of conduct, we are bound to behave in a manner that it won’t affect your credibility as one of the trusted migration agencies.
Book a professional consultation with us to better understand your chances of obtaining an Australian permanent residency or any other visa. Call 6299 0245 to book an appointment.