1 July 2013 Australia Immigration Changes Summary

On 1st July 2013, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) released a number of changes.
Below is the summary:
1. New fees and charges
Additional Applicant Charge: for applications which include dependent family members such as spouses and children.
Nearly all the subclasses are affected. The main ones that may be relevant to you are:
- Student Visa
- 485 Temporary Graduate
- General Skilled Migration (189, 190, 489)
- 457 Temporary Work (Skilled)
- ENS/RSMS (186/187)
- Partner Migration (Onshore 820)
- Partner Migration (Offshore 309/300)
- 188 Business Innovation & Investment
Subsequent Temporary Application Charge: additional fees for certain visa applications lodged from within in Australia
Non-Internet Application Charge: additional fees where a visa application is lodged in paper format and there is an online lodgment option
Reference: http://www.immi.gov.au/fees-charges/visa-pricing-table.htm
2. Updates in the Skilled Occupation List (SOL)
The following are the five occupations which were removed from the SOL:
- Hospital Pharmacist
- Retail Pharmacist
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical)
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures)
3. Paper application for 457 visa not any more accepted
All 457 visa applications (including nominations and sponsorships) can now only be lodged online through DIAC’s lodgement system.
Feel free to call us at +65 6299 0245 for Australia immigration advice or complete our free migration assessment if you want to find out your likely eligibility for Skilled Migration.