Skilled Migration: 2014-15 Occupational Ceilings Announced

The Occupational Ceilings for the 2014-15 year have been announced. Changes to the number of places allocated to Engineers, IT Professionals, Accountants, Teachers, Constructions Trades, and Chefs were substantial.
What is an Occupational Ceiling?
An occupational ceiling is the total number of invitations issued by the Australian Immigration Department for a particular occupation under the skilled migration program for an entire financial year.
Where does it apply?
Skilled-Independent Subclass 189 visas and family sponsored Skilled Regional Subclass 489 visas are subjected to occupational ceilings. They do not apply to, State or Territory Nominated, Employer Sponsored or Business Innovation and Investment visa subclasses. This means that states can nominate occupations for Skilled Sponsored Subclass 190 and Skilled Regional Subclass 489 visas even if the ceiling has been reached. Occupational ceilings are only applicable for Skilled Occupations List (SOL).
2014-15 Occupational Ceilings
There have also been some changes in the places available for certain occupations. 2,530 places were added to Engineering occupations and 1,132 places added for IT Professionals. 4,242 places were deducted from Accountants, 1,170 subtracted from Teachers, 2,168 places reduced from Construction Trades and a decrease of 1,353 places from Chefs. Registered Nurses have the largest ceiling with 15,042 places, this is more than double the quota of any other occupational group.
Below is the complete list of the 2014-15 Occupation Ceilings:
Description | Ceiling Value |
Construction Managers | 5,178 |
Engineering Managers | 1,428 |
Production Managers | 3,132 |
Child Care Centre Managers | 1,000 |
Health and Welfare Services Managers | 1,356 |
Accountants | 5,478 |
Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers | 1,188 |
Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians | 1,000 |
Land Economists and Valuers | 1,000 |
Marine Surveyor | 1,000 |
Architects and Landscape Architects | 1,476 |
Cartographers and Surveyors | 1,000 |
Urban and Regional Planners | 1,000 |
Chemical and Materials Engineers | 1,000 |
Civil Engineering Professionals | 2,850 |
Electrical Engineers | 1,332 |
Electronics Engineers | 1,000 |
Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers | 1,680 |
Mining Engineers | 1,000 |
Other Engineering Professionals | 1,000 |
Agricultural and Forestry Scientists | 1,000 |
Medical Laboratory Scientists | 1,092 |
Veterinarians | 1,000 |
Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals | 1,000 |
Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers | 1,404 |
Secondary School Teachers | 7,002 |
Special Education Teachers | 1,044 |
Medical Imaging Professionals | 1,014 |
Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals | 1,470 |
Optometrists and Orthoptists | 1,000 |
Chiropractors and Osteopaths | 1,000 |
Dental Practitioners | 1,000 |
Occupational Therapists | 1,000 |
Physiotherapists | 1,188 |
Podiatrists | 1,000 |
Speech Professionals and Audiologists | 1,000 |
Generalist Practitioners | 3,672 |
Anaesthetists | 1,000 |
Internal Medicine Specialists | 1,000 |
Psychiatrists | 1,000 |
Surgeons | 1,000 |
Other Medical Practitioners | 1,000 |
Midwives | 1,000 |
Registered Nurses | 15,042 |
ICT Business and Systems Analysts | 1,620 |
Software and Applications Programmers | 5,004 |
Computer Network Professionals | 1,788 |
Telecommunications Engineering Professionals | 1,000 |
Barristers | 1,000 |
Solicitors | 3,426 |
Psychologists | 1,248 |
Social Workers | 1,968 |
Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1,000 |
Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | 1,000 |
Telecommunications Technical Specialists | 1,000 |
Automotive Electricians | 1,000 |
Motor Mechanics | 6,444 |
Sheetmetal Trades Workers | 1,000 |
Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers | 4,482 |
Metal Fitters and Machinists | 6,816 |
Precision Metal Trades Workers | 1,000 |
Bricklayers and Stonemasons | 1,506 |
Carpenters and Joiners | 7,164 |
Painting Trades Workers | 2,448 |
Glaziers | 1,000 |
Plasterers | 1,980 |
Wall and Floor tilers | 1,110 |
Plumbers | 4,464 |
Electricians | 7,854 |
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics | 1,626 |
Electrical Trades Distribution Workers | 1,000 |
Electronics Trades Workers | 2,580 |
Chefs | 2,547 |
Boat Builders and Shipwrights | 1,000 |
Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists | 1,000 |
How to Apply?
If you would like to consider your options under any of the skilled migration programs to migrate to Australia, call us at +65 6299 0245 to schedule an appointment to discuss your application. Alternatively, you may complete our free online assessment to check your eligibility.