ACT is Now Accepting Offshore Applicants

In 12th January 2022, Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has released its Critical Skills List to address the shortage in the entire territory. In line with that, ACT is now accepting offshore applications.
There are criteria set for both Subclass 190 and Subclass 491, and a specific set of documents for overseas applicants. Should you find your nominated Occupation below, consult with us to know how you can take advantage of this opportunity.
ACT Critical Skills List:
ANZSCO Number | Nominated Occupation |
362212 | Aborist |
221111 | Accountant (General) |
131113 | Advertising Manager |
225111 | Advertising Specialist |
233911 | Aeronautical Engineer |
233912 | Agricultural Engineer |
342111 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics |
261311 | Analyst Programmer |
139911 | Arts Administrator or Manager |
252711 | Audiologist |
221211 | Auditor |
351111 | Bakers |
233913 | Biomedical Engineer |
141111 | Cafe and Restaurant Managers |
149211 | Call or Contact Centre Manager (491 only) |
272111 | Careers Counsellor |
331211 | Carpenter and Joiner |
331212 | Carpenters |
351311 | Chef |
134111 | Child Care Centre Managers |
233211 | Civil Engineer |
272311 | Clinical Psychologist |
272611 | Community Arts Worker (491 only) |
411711 | Community Worker |
263111 | Computer Network & Systems Engineer |
149311 | Conference and Event Organisers |
133111 | Construction Project Manager |
511111 | Contract Administrator |
351411 | Cook |
212411 | Copywriter |
132111 | Corporate Services Manager |
272199 | Counsellors nec |
149212 | Customer Service Manager |
262111 | Database Administrator |
252311 | Dental Specialist |
252312 | Dentist (491 only) |
261312 | Developer Programmer |
321212 | Diesel motor mechanic |
411712 | Disabilities Services Officer |
272112 | Drug and Alcohol Counsello |
241111 | Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher |
272312 | Educational Psychologist |
233311 | Electrical Engineers |
233411 | Electronics Engineers |
411411 | Enrolled Nurse |
233915 | Environmental Engineer |
251311 | Environmental Health Officer (491 only) |
139912 | Environmental Manager |
221213 | External Auditor |
149913 | Facilities manager |
272113 | Family and Marriage Counsellor |
411713 | Family Support Worker |
132211 | Finance Manager |
362211 | Gardener (General |
253111 | General Practitioner |
233212 | Geotechnical Engineer |
232411 | Graphic Designer |
313111 | Hardware Technician |
132311 | Human Resource manager |
223111 | Human Resource Professionals |
261111 | ICT Business Analyst |
313112 | ICT Customer Support Officer |
135199 | ICT Managers (nec) |
135112 | ICT Project Manager |
263211 | ICT Quality Assurance Engineer |
262112 | ICT Security Specialist |
263299 | ICT Support and Test Engineers (nec) |
263212 | ICT Support Engineer |
313199 | ICT Support Technicians |
263213 | ICT Systems Test Engineer |
232412 | Illustrator |
224999 | Information and Org. Prof. nec (491 only) |
599612 | Insurance Loss Adjuster |
221214 | Internal Auditor |
331213 | Joiner |
212499 | Journalist & other writers (nec) |
362213 | Landscape Gardener |
224912 | Liaison Officer (491 only) |
221112 | Management Accountant |
224711 | Management Consultant |
225112 | Marketing Research Analyst (491 only) |
225112 | Marketing Specilaist |
321211 | Motor Mechanics |
321213 | Motorcycle mechanic |
261211 | Multimedia Specialists |
263112 | Network Administrator |
263113 | Network Analyst |
212412 | Newspaper or Periodical Editor |
254411 | Nurse Practitioner |
251312 | Occupational Health and Safety Adviser |
252411 | Occupational Therapist |
224711 | Organisation and Methods Analysts |
272313 | Organisational Psychologist |
351112 | Pastry Chef |
224914 | Patents Examiner (491 only) |
252511 | Physiotherapist |
334111 | Plumbers |
224412 | Policy Analyst (491 only) |
132411 | Policy and Planning Manager (491 only) |
241213 | Primary School Teacher |
212413 | Print Journalist |
133612 | Procurement manager (491 only) |
133512 | Production Manager (Manufacturing) |
511112 | Program or Project Administrator |
272399 | Psychologist (nec) |
272314 | Psychotherapist |
131114 | Public Relations Manager (491 only) |
225311 | Public Relations Professionals |
233213 | Quantity Surveyor |
272612 | Recreation Officer |
254412 | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
254413 | Registered Nurse (Child & Family Health) |
254414 | Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
254415 | Registered Nurse (Critical Care & Emergency) |
254416 | Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) |
254417 | Registered Nurse (Disability & Rehabilitation) |
254421 | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
254418 | Registered Nurse (Medical) |
254422 | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
254425 | Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) |
254423 | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
254424 | Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
254499 | Registered Nurses (nec) |
272114 | Rehabilitation Counsellor |
253112 | Resident Medical Officer |
411715 | Residential Care Officer |
251513 | Retail Pharmacists |
131112 | Sales & Marketing Manager |
241411 | Secondary School Teacher |
321214 | Small engine mechanic |
272511 | Social Worker |
261399 | Software and Applications Programmers nec |
261313 | Software Engineer |
261314 | Software Tester |
271311 | Solicitors |
251499 | Special Education Teachers nec |
252712 | Speech Pathologist |
139915 | Sports Administrator (491 only) |
233214 | Structural Engineer |
272115 | Student Counsellor |
133611 | Supply, Distribution Manager |
262113 | Systems Administrator |
261112 | Systems Analyst |
221113 | Taxation Accountant |
212415 | Technical Writer |
212416 | Television Journalist |
233215 | Transport Engineer |
242111 | University Lecturers and Tutors |
313113 | Web Administrator |
232414 | Web Designer |
261212 | Web developer |
272613 | Welfare Worker |
411716 | Youth Worker |