Australia’s Employment Rate Grows To 94.8 Percent in July

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has announced that Australia’s seasonally adjusted employment rate grew to 94.8 percent.
The number of people employed increased from 11,512,600 to 14,000 to in July. The growth in employment was boosted by the addition of full-time employment, up 9,200 people to 8,073,700, and part-time employment, up 4,800 people to 3,439,000. The growth in employment was driven by an increase in full-time jobs and more female part-time employment.
The number of people unemployed decreased by 2,500 people to 635,100 in July, the ABS added.
The ABS monthly aggregate hours worked series showed an increase in July, up 13.4 million hours to 1,625.1 million hours since June this year.
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