It’s Tough… But It’s Just Temporary

Where are we, and where we might be heading?
With its abrupt spread all over the world, COVID-19 is undoubtedly a catastrophe that spawned a crisis, and has affected many people’s lives.
Sure, COVID-19 has not affected only the health of millions of people, but it shows negative effect on the economies too – job market, quality of living, etc.. But, we don’t just let the situation affect our future, especially our plans to apply for Australia Permanent Resident visa.
At NTRUST, we always believe that you should strike the iron while it’s hot – to apply when you are still qualified.
This COVID-19 situation may have affected the entire world, but this won’t be permanent! This too shall pass. And while we are waiting for this to pass, we should not let our dreams of having a greener pasture in Australia at halt.
Consult with us and get a professional advise from one of our experienced Australia Immigration consultant. Call +65 6299 0245 for more information.