You Have Been Warned; But We Know No One’s Prepared

Since 2003, we have been working closely with the Australia Immigration authorities to help families move across to Australia.
Since then, we have been telling people a lot of things. The image above are just a few of the past newspaper advertisement copies we used (from 2006 to present) to inform people not only of opportunities, but information that are beneficial in helping them decide to migrate to Australia from Singapore or elsewhere.
Alongside all our shout outs, we have anticipated that Australia Immigration process will get tougher as years pass by. It will never be as easy as it was 3-5 years ago. While we understand that no one’s ever prepared for any circumstances such as this COVID-19 situation, but for us it is always being pro-active rather than reactive.
NTRUST always encourages people to apply for what you only qualify for if you qualify.