5 Things To Prepare For My Job Search Before I Migrate To Australia

Australia’s unique geographic and economic position meant that it could weather economic crises like the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and come out relatively unscathed. This strong economy is a benefit to anyone looking for a job in Australia. Additionally, due to the pandemic, many businesses lost workers who were forced to return home. With few immigrants coming in to replace the lost workers, businesses were left in the lurch with limited staff. This position means that the job market in Australia is, overall, less competitive than it was pre-pandemic. Businesses are eager to welcome skilled migrants into the workforce. Now is a great time to migrate to Australia from Singapore. To fully take advantage of gaps in the job market, here are 5 things you can prepare for your job search before immigration to Australia.
1. Gather All The Important Documents
There are a few important documents you will need when migrating and applying to work in Australia from Singapore. These are important because if you’re applying for a job before you enter the country, these may affect your Australian immigration process or application for a working visa. Some of the documents you may need when migrating include:
- school records, diplomas or degrees
- trade or professional certificates and licences (anything from school-level onwards)
- drivers’ licence, including an International Driver’s Permit
- all documents related to previous employers, including written references
Having these documents on hand will make the application process smoother and more efficient. Employers may not require all these documents, but it’s helpful to have them with you just in case.
2. List Down Your Employment History
A record of your employment history will help a prospective employer understand your experience and qualifications for the role. You can prepare a CV or Resume with a summary of your previous experience as well as records of your professional achievements, responsibilities and awards before migration to Australia. You will also need to record a copy of any career or aptitude tests that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.
3. Compile Testimonials And References
To make your application process more efficient, ensure you have your referees and testimonials prepared in advance before migrating to Australia from Singapore. Australian employers often use reference checks once a shortlist has been made to help narrow down the list of potential workers further. You should let your referees know the job you’re applying for and the kinds of questions they may be asked if called or emailed by the company you’ve applied for. Your employer may also look you up through professional networking platforms like Linkedin. You can use this to your advantage by ensuring your digital presence is professional and reflects your experience.
4. Finish The Skills And Qualification Assessment
Singaporeans looking to migrate to Australia with a skilled migration visa will be required to have their qualifications and skills tested by a designated Australian assessing authority. The skilled migration visa invites qualified individuals to become residents in Australia and fill gaps in the local skilled workforce.
Once you arrive in Australia, you may be required to undertake a qualifications and skills review for employment purposes. If you are required to further your skills for employment or visa requirements, there is an array of further training and bridging courses available to help you do this. When applying to work in Australia, ensure you understand what the skills expectations are for the position.
5. Apply For A Skilled Migrant Visa
There are a few options for Singaporeans looking to gain permanent residency in Australia. One of them we’ve already briefly mentioned is the skilled migration visa. This visa is for individuals who possess the skills or talent that the Australian government is looking for. Because the job market is ever-changing, the skill sets in short supply will also fluctuate. To give yourself the best chance of acquiring a skilled migrant visa for Australia, ensure you fulfil the following criteria before applying:
- Under 45 years of age
- Basic English communication skills
- Passing health requirements
- Passing character requirements
- No outstanding debts to the Australian government
- Willing to sign the Australian Values Statement
There are a few different types of skilled migrant visas including independent, state-sponsored and work-sponsored. There will be slight differences in how each of these visa subclasses set out application requirements. Read up on the latest information about skilled migrant visa applications to give yourself the best chance of successful immigration to Australia.
Find The Migration Advice You Need With NTRUST
As you look to migrate overseas for job opportunities. NTRUST is a helpful resource for individuals looking for guidance in their Australia immigration journey. With 18 years experience helping Singaporeans navigate the complex migration process, we’re well equipped to help you navigate the unique challenges of migrating. If you want to learn more about how NTRUST can help you apply for a skilled migration visa, then get in touch with our team today.